Everything You Need To Know About Serious Gum Infection

We all know that visiting the dentist every 6 months is crucial. But only a few people know why these visits are so important. Besides teeth cleaning, one of the main reasons why you should visit your dentist regularly is to prevent gum disease. That said, let’s find out some useful information about gum diseases. 

What Is Periodontal or Gum Disease?

Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, is the infection and inflammation of gums or tissues around your teeth. The initial stage of gum disease is gingivitis, which is a mild form of gum disease. It starts out by causing redness and swelling to the gums. It may also cause gum bleeding. This gum disease can subside if it is addressed promptly. However, gingivitis can turn into periodontitis if not treated on time. Periodontitis is a more severe version of gum disease. It can lead to infection and even tooth loss. 

What Causes Gum Disease?

Millions of bacterial cells live in your mouth. They combine with food particles and mucus to form tartar (coatings on the gums and teeth). Though these substances are mostly removed if you brush and floss daily. However, these substances can lead to harmful effects if not removed properly. This includes the symptoms of gum disease, like gingivitis & periodontitis. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Gum Disease?

The symptoms of gingivitis are bleeding, red, and swollen gums. It may also cause bad breath, pain, and tenderness in the gums as you chew. Periodontitis is a much more serious gum disease. This is because it develops when gum disease advances to the point of gum recession. This causes pockets between gums or small gaps, which can fill with bacteria and, as a result, become infected. Periodontitis can lead to severe redness, bleeding, swelling, and sensitivity. 

What Are The Health Risks Of Having Gum Disease?

Once you get a bacterial infection, the natural enzymes of your body’s defense system will break down your teeth. This can lead to loose teeth that may need extraction. Moreover, this infection in your mouth can spread to other areas of your body if not treated on time. In fact, study shows that severe gum disease can also lead to heart disease in some patients. 

What Are The Methods Of Prevention And Treatment For Gum Disease?

It is important to follow good oral hygiene practices, like brushing and flossing, when it comes to gum disease prevention. Moreover, you should also visit Cypress Texas Dentist on a regular basis and avoid tobacco consumption and smoking. You can usually treat gum disease with various medications, especially if it is caught early on. 

Who You Should Contact?

So if you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned symptoms or simply want to make a regular appointment as a preventative measure, please contact Village Park Family Dental. We can address your concerns and discuss treatments regarding your oral health situation. Contact us today!
