Is it better to repair or replace an air conditioner?

 Is it better to repair or replace an air conditioner?

The air conditioner helps you stay relaxed and comfortable in your home – until it stops working. When your AC unit malfunctions, you contact an HVAC technician for air conditioning repair in Sugar Land. But you end up being informed about some significant repairs. If that’s the case for you, you might be wondering whether it’s best to replace or repair your current air conditioning system. It’s often difficult to choose between repairing or replacing your air conditioner. But not anymore. This blog will address when you should repair or replace your air conditioner so you can make an informed decision. 

Things to Consider When Deciding Whether to Repair or Replace Your AC Unit

Replacing your current air conditioner with a new one can be a significant investment. In some cases, you don’t need to pay a hefty fee if your AC can be fixed with some repairs. But in other cases, it might be wise to replace your system instead of repairing it every now and then. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether you should replace or repair your air conditioning unit. 

AC Unit Age

The age of your AC unit is an important factor when deciding whether to repair or change your AC unit. The general life expectancy of a typical air conditioning unit is around 10-12 years. But if you maintain it well, it can run for much longer. If your AC unit is more than 10 years old and frequently causes breakdowns, it’s better to replace the system with a new, efficient model. This way, you’ll avoid frequent repairs that can be costly in the long run. But if your AC isn’t that old, well-maintained, and working properly until now, consider fixing the issue, and your AC will likely be good as new. 

To find whether you need to repair or replace your air conditioner, simply multiply the age of your AC unit with the cost to fix it. If the answer you get is more than $5,000, it’s better to replace the unit. Otherwise, you should consider repairing the system. For air conditioning repair in Sugar Land, contact Crump A/C and Heating. Our technicians will inspect your system and suggest the best course of the plan. 

AC Unit Efficiency

It rarely makes financial sense to replace a relatively new AC unit that doesn’t break down frequently unless the repairing costs run into thousands of dollars. But if your air conditioning unit requires frequent repairs, constantly breaks down, and always operates loudly, consider replacing the system with a more efficient version. But remember, AC units usually work fine if you hire a professional to do preventative maintenance regularly. To ensure your AC works correctly throughout the year, contact Crump A/C and Heating for air conditioning repair and maintenance in Sugar Land.

3 Refrigerant Availability

If your AC unit is over 10 years old, check the availability of the refrigerant. That’s because older air conditioners used R-22 Freon refrigerant, which is banned today due to its unfriendly environmental impacts. Nowadays, R-410a refrigerant is widely available in modern units. So, suppose you have an older model that uses the refrigerant that’s not available. In that case, this might make your refrigerant needs more expensive than they should be. Try replacing the unit if that’s the case for you.

For more information about the HVAC system or help in repairing, installation, and maintenance, feel free to contact Crump A/C and Heating.
